Partner Meeting 2024

The 2024 Partner Meeting with our fantastic partners has come to an end. The past three days have been filled with presentations, workshops, and inspiring conversations. Days packed with great energy, combined with fun activities and lots of laughter. The event concluded with all our partners being recertified to ensure world-class service and our dual expertise in optics and ergonomics for healthcare professionals.

A huge thank you to all participants. Now we look forward to an exciting autumn together.

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Our values

Care of Optergo

Our mission is to offer sustainable, ergonomic solutions that promote well-being and clear vision. As for how we think and act to achieve this – again, it comes down to our Swedishness.


Find your dealer

Having added Spain to the Optergo network in 2024, we now have sales offices in 20 countries to serve you with products and expertise. Wherever you are, answers to your queries are just a phone call away.